Tuam Tshoj pheej yig tshaj Hoobkas rau Kws Kho Hniav Tsev Kho Mob-4.5 Oz Printing Disposable Cone Paper Cup

Tuam Tshoj pheej yig tshaj Hoobkas rau Kws Kho Hniav Tsev Kho Mob-4.5 Oz Printing Disposable Cone Paper Cup

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Tam sim no peb muaj peb tus kheej cov neeg muag khoom tag nrho, cov qauv tsim thiab tsim cov neeg ua haujlwm, cov neeg ua haujlwm pabcuam, QC cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab pawg pob.Tam sim no peb muaj cov txheej txheem tswj xyuas zoo rau txhua qhov system.Tsis tas li, tag nrho peb cov neeg ua haujlwm tau paub txog kev lag luam luam ntawv rau Cheapest FactoryTuam Tshoj rau Dentist Hospital- 4.5 ozPrinting Disposable Cone Paper Cup, Saib mus rau yav tom ntej, txoj kev mus ntev, tsis tu ncua los ua txhua tus neeg ua haujlwm nrog kev txaus siab tag nrho, ib puas npaug ntawm kev ntseeg siab thiab muab peb lub tuam txhab ua ib puag ncig zoo nkauj, cov khoom siab tshaj, zoo thawj-chav kawm niaj hnub kev lag luam thiab ua haujlwm nyuaj!
Tam sim no peb muaj peb tus kheej cov neeg muag khoom tag nrho, cov qauv tsim thiab tsim cov neeg ua haujlwm, cov neeg ua haujlwm pabcuam, QC cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab pawg pob.Tam sim no peb muaj cov txheej txheem tswj xyuas zoo rau txhua qhov system.Tsis tas li ntawd, tag nrho peb cov neeg ua haujlwm tau paub txog kev lag luam luam ntawv rauTuam Tshoj rau Dentist Hospital, Printing Disposable Cone Paper Cup, Kev txiav txim siab yog txais tau nrog cov qib zoo sib txawv thiab cov neeg siv khoom tsim tshwj xeeb.Peb tau tos ntsoov los tsim kom muaj kev koom tes zoo thiab ua tiav hauv kev lag luam nrog cov lus ntev los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thoob plaws ntiaj teb.

ntim khoom noj


Los ntawm frothy steaming kub kas fes thiab flavored lattes;cov kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo tshiab thiab smoothies rau creamy caramel frappes, peb tau txais lub khob zoo rau txhua yam dej haus uas koj tau txais.

Lub khob no tau raug kho dua tshiab nrog lub zog ruaj khov, ob chav phab ntsa tsim los ntxiv lub zog thiab kev lag luam-kev rwb thaiv tsev ua kom dej kub thiab ob txhais tes xis nyob.

Cov Eco Khob no yog tsim los nrog cov ntawv sau los ntawm cov hav zoov tswj hwm lub luag haujlwm thiab kab nrog cov khoom siv cog qoob loo, Ingeo PLA.Cov khob no yog 100 feem pua ​​​​kev lag luam compostable, recyclable thiab biodegradable, ua rau lawv zoo tagnrho rau kev lag luam ib puag ncig.

daim ntawv khob nrog lub hau
ob phab ntsa ntawv khob

Ob chav phab ntsa ntawv khob

DW 8 8oz Daim Ntawv Kub Kub - Ob Chav Phab Ntsa 80 * 55 * 91mm 500 (20 * 25 pcs)
DW 8S 8oz Squat Paper Kub khob - Ob phab ntsa 90 * 56 * 85mm 500 (20 * 25 pcs)
DW10 10oz Daim Ntawv Kub Kub - Ob Chav Phab Ntsa 90 * 60 * 94mm 500 (20 * 25 pcs)
DW12 12oz Daim Ntawv Kub Kub - Ob Chav Phab Ntsa 90 * 58 * 108 hli 500 (20 * 25 pcs)
DW16 16oz Daim Ntawv Kub Kub - Ob Chav Phab Ntsa 90 * 58 * 137 hli 500 (20 * 25 pcs)
DW 20 20oz Daim Ntawv Kub Kub - Ob Chav Phab Ntsa 90 * 59 * 160 hli 500 (20 * 25 pcs)


Cov cwj pwm tseem ceeb

· Ntau hom khob & ntau thiab tsawg los ntawm 8-20oz.
· Compostable thiab recyclable khoom xaiv xws li lub hau.
· Kev tsim qauv & luam tawm muaj los qhia koj lub hom phiaj.

Cov khoom xaiv

· Kraft daim ntawv.
· Dawb Paperboard
· Xyoob Paperboard

Liner Options

· PLA liner-Compostable
· PE liner-Recyclable
· Yas Dawb-Compostable

ntawv pov thawj
Hais txog FUTUR
Tam sim no peb muaj peb tus kheej cov neeg muag khoom tag nrho, cov qauv tsim thiab tsim cov neeg ua haujlwm, cov neeg ua haujlwm pabcuam, QC cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab pawg pob.Tam sim no peb muaj cov txheej txheem tswj xyuas zoo rau txhua qhov system.Tsis tas li, tag nrho peb cov neeg ua haujlwm tau paub txog kev lag luam luam ntawv rau Cheapest FactoryTuam Tshoj rau Dentist Hospital-4.5 Oz Printing Disposable Cone Paper Cup, Saib mus rau yav tom ntej, txoj kev mus ntev, tsis tu ncua los ua txhua tus neeg ua haujlwm nrog kev txaus siab, ib puas npaug ntawm kev ntseeg siab thiab muab peb lub tuam txhab ua ib puag ncig zoo nkauj, cov khoom siv siab heev, ua ntej. -class niaj hnub enterprise thiab ua hauj lwm nyuaj!
Cheapest Hoobkas Tuam Tshoj rau Kho Hniav Tsev Kho Mob, Printing Disposable Cone Paper Cup, Custom orders are available with different quality grade and customer's special design.Peb tau tos ntsoov los tsim kom muaj kev koom tes zoo thiab ua tiav hauv kev lag luam nrog cov lus ntev los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom thoob plaws ntiaj teb.

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb